Monday, September 19, 2011

And first...the bad news.

Yes, there is yet more good and bad news in the land of GAGAerobics.  The bad news is (as if I need to tell you), I suck at keeping up with this blog!  Again, it's been two weeks :S  In my defense, I'm having some major issues accessing the internet at our, the only place I can get online is work, and I often don't have time there to post an entire blog.  They actually expect me to do hotel-related things there!  The gall!  But I also have good news, and it's very good news -- I'm far better at the losing weight aspect of The Pledge than I am the blogging portion of it!  Just how much better you ask?!  Well, The Pledge of Glory officially began on August 8...exactly 6 weeks ago.  In these past 6 weeks I've managed to drop 10.5 lbs!!!  I'm down from 221.6 lbs to 210.1!!! Believe me when I say, if I can do it anyone can. 

Not that this has been easy by any means, but everything I've done has been very know, things I can feasibly continue come late April.  Sure, I'm "dieting," but Lord knows I never go hungry.  The way I see it, I can eat as many "fruits of the earth" as I'd like...fruits, veggies, nuts, etc.  And don't think I never cheat...I do (especially on the weekends).  But when I do, I try my darndest to apply the Ellen Hauser method:  consume very sensible portions (at the Old Fashioned the other night, that meant eating 6 cheese curds as opposed to an entire order, and drinking one beer as opposed to four plus).  And my exercise routine is also very do-able.  I probably do GAGAerobics 3-4 times a week, and supplement that with rollerblading at least twice a week.  I can't tell you how effective GAGAerobics is!  I seriously sweat my tits off every time I do it...well, I'd like to think I'm sweating my love-handles and side-boobs off instead ;)  Perhaps the best thing about GAGAerobics is its efficiency... if I'm running short on time (Lord knows I always am), I simply put in The Fame Monster.  This, GAGA's second CD, is only 35 minutes long!  Seriously, every single one of us can set asside a half an hour for exercise!  Especially if it's this fun...

But just because it's fun, doesn't mean it's easy.  Right, Shane Buchli?!  I hate to throw you under the bus, love, but "the people" need to hear just how challenging GAGAerobics can be!  My dearest Shane came down to Madison last weekend for a visit.  So, naturally, we decided to do a little GAGAerobics together.  I kid you not, we were 4 songs in and Shane opted to sit the second half of the CD out!  And Shane is not an unshapely man...he regularly runs and plays tennis!  Since our little GAGAcising session, Shane has crafted a pledge of his own...he's vowed to do 30 minutes of MADONNAerobics each day until the spring release of her newest CD.  When watching me GAGAcise, Shane called me "an inspiration," and I doubt I've ever been more proud.  Such supportive friends and family have played a large role in the success of The Pledge of Glory.

Well, enough with all this's time to get an extended GAGAerobics session in!!!  I'm gonna pop the Born This Way CD in and dance off the pounds ala Richard Simmons!!!  Again, I invite each and every one of you to join me!  Seriously, any time!   

Can't get enough Pledge of Glory?!  Follow me each dance-step of the way on Twitter @PledgeOfGlory (or Jackie Hauser...I still don't fully understand this whole Twitter thing). Like Shane Buchli, I'd love to know if you've crafted a pledge of your own! If so, tweet at me, facebook me or comment on my blog!

Here's hoping the female hotel guest I referred to as "sir" (not once, but twice) will eventually forgive me :S  Oh, and avoid the peaches at Trader Joes, but do not hesitate to buy their nectarines!!!

Love. Peace. GAGAerobics.

"You want to live the dream?  You do what you want on your own terms." - Courtney Love


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