Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reboot Days 9 & 10 -- The Final Hour

Well, I began blogging last night at work and got as far as this silly title -- "Reboot Day Freakin' 9 - There's Light(ly Battered Cheese curds) at the End of the Tunnel!!!!" I thought it was hilarious last night, but I've since come to my senses.  Unfortunately, there shan't be any lightly battered cheese curds in my near future.  After depriving myself of pert' near everything these past 10 days, I'm hypothesizing the absence of either gluten or dairy is what's doing WONDERS for my normally highly irregular bowels... and I'm assuming it's dairy :( Damn!  I practically live on full-fat cottage cheese when I'm chewing!  Guess I'll have to turn such habits into occassional treats... Well, I before I swear off my daily cottage cheese routine, I'll do a little investigating.  I'll spend a few days avoiding dairy, followed by a few days avoiding gluten. I'll survey my observations and determine whether my days of curds and whey are officially numbered.  The 8-year-old Jackie who ordered this dairy delight at practically every restaurant she visited is crying a slow, singler tear. 

But on the bright side of things, today marks our LAST DAY of this 10 day fruit and veggie cleanse!!!  Who woulda thunk this once 220 lb food addict would ever give up chewing for seven whole days?!  Much less her beloved booze.  Surprisingly enough, I've missed booze very little throughout this ordeal.  One of the best things about this cleanse was it's ability to prove just how much of a food addict I really am.  Forget the booze, I can't seem to get my reunion with guacamole out of this head!  Nor can I rid myself of thoughts of the Pancake Cafe!  You'd be shocked by how much time I've spent day-dreaming about guacamole, pancakes and also hummas throughout this ordeal!  I guess there are far unhealthier things to crave (well, maybe this isn't as true after adding pancakes to the list).  Nevertheless, no human should waste this much brain power fantasizing about the seemingly endless ways one can eat the aforementioned items!  My food addiction was also painfully obvious during my lunch and/or dinner breaks at work.  When stressed at the hotel, I often retreat to the break-room and attempt to eat the stress away.  I had always known that I was a stress-eater, but until the cleanse I hadn't realized just how intense my longing for these comfort foods was... I had never denied myself of them.  At least not to the extent of total deprivation. Here's hoping having to resist these cravings throughout the cleanse will help me deal with them (in a healthy manner) in the future!

While my Juice-Mama is dying to take a shot of whiskey when midnight strikes, I'm trying to figure out how to have guacamole on hand at the show we're going to.  I think I'll just have to settle for an avacodo... Imma eat it like an apple, and it'll be gone in 38 seconds!  Not sure how it'll taste with that whiskey I'll also be drinking! 

Here's hoping I last these final seven hours... In terms of my hunger and INTENSE LONGING TO EAT, today has honestly been the worst.  Being so close (yet so very far) is pissing me off :)

“The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books – how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.” ~ Andy Rooney

Love. Peace. GAGAerobics.


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