Monday, September 5, 2011

Ok, Cupid...

Well, y'all... I'm not one to disseminate stereotypes about women.  After all, I am one... and a feminist at that.  However, the free online dating service "Ok Cupid" has me wondering whether women are as perplexing, moody and hard to read as men like to think we are.  I've, shall we say, "pursued" very few women, but in each attempt I've been rejected (what a harsh word) by chicks who have given me every reason to believe they're quite in to me.  Wouldn't texts like "Is that an inivitation? Lol. Can't wait." and "Do you at some point want to have children?" lead you to believe one is rather interested? And in the case of the latter, extremely interested?  Lord, the first and only date I've gone on as a result of Ok Cupid seemed to go well.  Sure, it was pretty obvious (likely to both of us) that we didn't have a whole lot in common, but she texted immediately after and said "I had fun :)."  Not to mention the several seemingly desperate texts I got prior to the date. Nevertheless, I never heard from her again... even after I drunkenly texted her a couple days later.  It's not like I'm extremely disappointed about the whole affair, I'm just a little puzzled.  Who am I kidding?!  I wanted to have children with this girl!

Moving on...  Well, there have been both good and bad happenings in the land of GAGAerobics.  First, I incorporated my new balance ball (courtesy Jeff and Ellen Hauser) into the routine today!  It'll be a great way to keeps things fresh.  Unfortuntalely, one of my other new additions, the shake weight, is out of commission.  That's what I get for ordering the damn thing on Amazon!  Take it from me, when you purchase a shake weight of your own, and you should, spend the extra money and buy it at Target.

In other news, despite eating an entire Falbo's calzone last night (give me a break, I hadn't eaten any variation of pizza in almost a month!), I seem to be down 5 or 6 lbs!  If I can trust my dear friend Morgan's scale, I'm down from 221.6 to 215.7 lbs!!!  Damn...  I can't tell you how stoked I am about that!  Speaking of Morgan, a former roommate of  two years and one of my very best friends, the poor girl seems to be bearing the entire brunt of my dieting rage.  I don't know how she came to be so lucky. Wait, perhaps it's not dieting frustration directed at Morgan... maybe it has something to do with the fact she thinks I wear too much product in my hair.  How dare she?!  If you've seen my hair lately, you know it's perfection.  And you likely know who's responsible for it...Morgan!  Can't thank you enough, girl.

Here's hoping I'll stop being such a biyotch to Ms. Morgan... and that I'm able to find some remotely delicious peaches (Trader Joe's has nothing on the Amish either).

Love. Peace. GAGAerobics.

"‎Do not allow people to dim your shine because they are blinded. Tell them to put on some sunglasses, cuz we were born this way bitch!" - Lady Gaga


1 comment:

  1. Ok, Cupid can work.

    That's how Ming and I found each other.

    Good luck :)
