Thursday, August 18, 2011

It was that time of year... and that time of the month!

I never thought I'd live with a straight man...much less two of them!  But what do you know, my dreams have come true!  Yep, that's right, I've recently moved out of my old, downtown apartment and into what I like to call "summer camp."  I refer to it as such, because I now feel like I'm living in the boonies of Madison.  But the boonies aren't so bad... I'm not crazy about the fact that I have to drive everywhere, but I don't mind being a little isolated from the bar scene.  This GAGA-project has me drinking FAR less, and removing myself from the land of temptation has been incredibly helpful.  And don't get me wrong, living with straight guys isn't bad at least the two gems I'm living with.  We watch a lot of movies like "Super Bad" and "Black Sheep" as well as some "Family Guy," and to be honest with you, I don't even mind watching them playing video games!  Sometimes I forget Madden and NBA Live aren't the real deal... who knew video games were so realistic these days?! Although I must say, if you're in the other room and just so happen to overhear the two of them playing Madden, you might think a greased pig got loose in the house.  Seriously, I was plucking my chin hairs in my room and the Madden-induced grunts and screeching were quite comical...and a little concerning.  Nevertheless, I now have a 46" TV as well as cable and internet again...oh, the standards of 23 year old straight men!   

Well, I'm finally getting settled in the place... but it's come at a cost! My wonderfully patient mother had the pleasure of helping a dieting, over-tired and menstruating me move from an apartment of two years to the new place.  It wasn't a pleasant experience for anyone, but I couldn't have done it without her!  I also owe my sister Liz a big thank you, as she had to put up with this moving-diva too!  Oh, and thanks to her partner Kari for helping with the heavy lifting as well.  Tears were shed multiple times throughout  the moving process... so, when we went to Buffalo Wild Wings after a long day of moving, I had a little trouble sticking to the GAGA regiment.  But I only had a few nachos...and maybe a couple wings... and perhaps a giant Bud Lite...with two limes, of course.  Nevertheless, my "pledge" isn't about feeling bad when I slip up.  My journey to get healthy is about feeling good about myself.  I'm sure I'll have another BWW's incident before April's through, so the important thing is hopping back on the wagon if (and when) I fall off!  

The move, in general, has posed some challenges to the pledge.  I've been without internet, and therefore haven't blogged in a bit.  And like I said before, I'm living with straight dudes now, and they don't exactly appreciate GAGA as much as my roommates of yesteryear. One of my new roommates had some guys over for beer after class the other day...I had to excuse myself to do some GAGAerobics outside and in doing so tried to explain my get-skinny plan to a room full of PBR-drinking, 20-somethings.  They all thought it was at least comical, and no one complained about the GAGA volume.  Except for that older gal next door, who commended my work-out efforts but nevertheless scolded me.  Her exact words: The music might be a little loud, but keep up the good work.  I live in this little village of sorts, and all who chose to look could see me getting my GAGA on!  What a first impression I'm making...      

Well, the weather's been fantastic lately, so I've been doing a bit more rollerblading than GAGAerobics. But, not a day goes by where I don't channel the Mother Monster and her open-minded, optimistic and anti-hate mentality.  Oh, and that reminds me, I must check out her newly released "You and I" music video.  As should you!  Also, I need to weigh myself as soon as I have access to a scale... I'm quite curious about my progress.  

Here's hoping you Whitehall natives will enjoy a fabulous Beef and Dairy Days weekend!  I'll have to join you next year, as I'm working all weekend.  And Lord knows I can't afford to be double fisting Busch Lites and corn dogs!!!  But please, have one of each for me ;)  

"They can't scare me, if I scare them first." - Lady Gaga

Love. Peace. GAGAerobics.


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